The Dark Forest

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ot most in the Realm of Drugolin, Dark Forest lore lingered as mysterious legend s best suited for late night hearths.  On rare occasions one might hear of strange visitations. Some of huge, radiant beings bearing aid and guidance. Others of dark, evil creatures summoning dread and death. All were a part of Drugolish legend, but few middlelanders took them seriously.

The westland village of Noy couldn’t afford the apathy of its unenlightened, middleland neighbors. Its enclosing fortress walls stood as a monument to the frightening visitations it experienced, day and night. When the town’s most celebrated forest adventurer receives a prophetic lamp, he teams with one final group on a faith empowering mission into the dread regions of evil that could usher in an eternal age where mortlas are like angels and Yahwin reigns supreme.

The Dark Forest is waiting…will you go?





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