Mark Norris

Noah and the Blood Covenant

Noah is the first believer in scripture to overtly offer God innocent animal sacrifice, making him the first literally revealed man of blood covenant in the Bible. This article will show how this world renowned patriarch’s salvation through the Great Flood is rooted in the blood covenant of atonement that foreshadowed Jesus Christ.

A Word to the Wise Is Sufficient

This article discusses how hermeneutics can crack the cover of Bible prophecy in your personal study. It links several articles that give you the heremeneutical tools for your “own” eschatology study. Where the Word of God Is Bound, So Are We, Where It’s Not, We Are Free is the basic rule of this literal study discipline. Become your own eschatologian today, at Eschatology Today.

Our Model of Before-and-After Christian Faith

The apostle Peter is remembered mainly in Christian tradition for his crucifixion night desertion. Yet, after his conversion, Peter learned to hold his tongue, raised the dead, and was so anointed with God’s healing power that the people “…even carried the sick out into the streets and laid them on cots and pallets, so that when Peter came by at least his shadow might fall on any one of them” (Acts 5:15)… Peter is the only mortal who ever walked on water, and was used to birth the Gentile Church. This is how the Word of God remembers him, and we should too.

The Truth About the Christmas Wise Men

It’s that excellent time of the year again when the miraculous birth of Jesus and all its amazing encounters are given world-wide press. The angels that appeared to Mary, Joseph, Zacharias, and the shepherds are remembered this time of year…

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